Bloody Payment
Sorry for my late reply, didnt realise it was my turn x.x And once again, Enzo contributes nothing XD

The smart mouthed blonde female had the audacity to bare her teeth back at him. Already focused eyes narrowed further and the distaste he felt for her increased. But before he himself could say anything both Wayne and Sebastian spoke up, stating their thoughts upon the man known as Hadley and his actions. They made the fact painfully clear, Hadley was not going to be punished for this. He looked down upon the pair of them and a small, almost cruel smile curled about his lips. As Wayne's scrutiny fell onto the slave that was all but cowering behind his owner so his own did too.

And his thoughts ran along the same lines, if this Dhiate didn't like being a luperci, was upset at being turned then he wouldn't be using the optime form, he would be using the form that was natural to him. Their complaints were groundless and lacked strength. His eyes swiveled back to the dog as more tart assumptions came from her maw. She was assuming that the wall of Cavalierian men would let her get her grimy paws upon one of their own members, then she was sadly and laughably mistaken. Whether or not Hadley had once upon a time been her slave, he no longer stood alone, he had the force of Casa behind him now.

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