It's within my power
Sorry it took so long to get around to this. I just got a job and everything is hectic

Aylu had to hand it to her. She knew how to spar. She was quick and he was just able to swing his staff around and catch her side blow. He parried her swing and swing his staff, hoping to catch her on her shoulder. It had been such a long time since he sparred with someone and even though he was teaching Dara he knew he was getting rusty. "I have been waiting for someone to spar for a long time now. You know this dance well. Tell me your name partner and I will tell you mine," he said as he pulled back and started to circle the woman.

She was new to the pack, that he could tell. But she had a air of power and confidence he noticed a lot of females lacked. She would have done well in his monestary . She had a grace to her only a seasoned fighter would have and he wanted to test her in many ways just to see how good she truly was.

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