I want to give up the fight


She sighed softly as her chest rose up and then fell down with in a deep breathing motion. The Sawtooth female looked down as she pulled her hands up over her chest, her shoulder was a soft numbing pain, though Aeron had done a wonderful job at keeping it clean and healing the Sawtooth learned a lesson that day. Don’t step in front of a raging Aeron with knifes. She gave a nod as she stopped holding onto the book so tightly letting it slowly slip out form her hand as it flew to the ground, the female watched it land open, but face down. ”Fine, sorry Aeron.” Charm spoke softly. She knew that coyote meant that as two beings talking to each other, no rank, and no lover over powering the other. They where level with each other when she talked to her. Which the lilac colored eyed Sawtooth female did love about the golden haired coyote.

She looked up at her, Charm’s own eyes where sad and lost. She was here…she was in this house but really did not know anyone in these lands. This was her comfort area. She would sneak down to the pack library to grab a book or two and then would run back to the house since she knew that there; there was no one to hurt her, no one to make her have children that really she didn’t want. No one in there would tell her how ugly she was, or how stupid she was. There were no hateful words to cut her down here inside the house. Though it wasn’t like she would put up with the words, if someone did say them to her. She might just have a few choice words to say to them in return…though maybe she wouldn’t she was still a scared little rabbit hiding inside her hole.


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