[AW] my heart can harbor this paddleboat

Chara Linard laggard behind, hoping for a change to catch any more that was stirred up as a result of Viola's ruckus. Man, what a child her sister could be. Really. But… It was fine. She had her sister to look after her after all, and as long as Chara was here nothing would happen to her sister, event or all the follies she committed.

A, she hated to admit it, slightly enticing scent of flowers was carried on the wind to her keen nose. A fine smell indeed for anything to be emitting. This was definitely one thing she liked about this wolf- the scent that came with her. Unique, yet nice. As for the land? The fact that it had some waves was nice. Smelled like home. She entirely skipped over the scent of elk, assuming that it wouldn't be for them anyway. Chara was still in the two-wolf-only-pack mindset.

Her gaze traced up to the seagull… Perhaps the same seagull her sister had gazed upon not too long ago. If that thing came low enough she'd tackle it. Hhhmm… She supposed she ought check out the scent. She was getting that it was the same one that had greeted her… Chara by now was assuming that the girls was the alphaess of the pack. she rushed toward the scent, catching onto the ending words of the she-Luperci. Seriously? Wow… This was generous. The surprise was evident on her face.

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