[M] A Dark Night
Shadow sat quietly as he looked to insomnia both insult and compliment Alex both at the same time. A growl was held back and then shadow saw her get up and he smiled lightly at seeing her move towards the man as if she was hoo.g to hurt him and then a lick? Shadow shook his head lightly as she came back to his side and when she did he leaned in and kissed Insomnia deeply right there in front of Alex not caring what the cream colored man thought. From the look in his eyes Shadow was able to tell that Alex was confused and he thought it funny because he knew Insomnia well and knew that her attitude could change randomly and at any time or place. Shadow continued to hold his love as he looked Alex over and smiled gently. I have nothing I wish for you to do...I can give and not need anything in return...what do you think love? Shall we send him on his way ? Shadows tail moved lightly behind him as he looked to the eyes of his love.

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