Waking up with the D[aw]n

The male realized his error and quickly corrected it with a grin and apology. Ignatius was his name, and Pippa was the name he had given the horse. Zalen looked at the beast and saw only food, but that was perhaps because he was quite famished. Suddenly, his hunger revelrie was broken by the sounds of shifted bones and flesh, and his eyes darted over to Insomnia, who was in the midst of changing to her Optime form. Zalen started for a moment, eyes wide and enthralled, before looking bashfully away. He was still not used to seeing others shift, to him it was a most private affair, a moment of weakness only to be shown in front of lovers and close family. But the sable male understood that his was a unique opinion, and that shifting before others was as natural as eating with others.

Zalen watched as Insomnia came up to the horse to greet it, and he could help but cock his head to the side curiously and fluff out his rough in discomfort. Gladly, Insomnia did not linger long and came back to his side just as the dog began to explain that he would abide by all of New Dawn's rules and customs if he were allowed to perform his song and story telling. Zalen's ears perked at this, it may be a good idea to let this stranger in just for an evening or so, he was sure many in the pack would enjoy a good story. Insomnia confirmed this suspicion by piping up in her flirtatious, puppy-like manner. Zalen grinned at her, his tale wagging once more, and he turned to Ignatius, "I believe something can be arranged then. Your horse and cart will be protected in the womb of the sunrise meadow. We have driven off nearly all unwanted predators, so you will not need to worry about its safety." Though he made mental note to perhaps have Shadowfang or Augustus keep and eye on the horse, just in case a hungry member decided to make it an easy meal.

Then, continuing, "You may come to our meeting place outside the den, but you may not sleep with us. Instead, you may set up camp where ever else in the territory you wish, so long as you let us know where." This seemed like a reasonable offer, even the fact that he would allow the man deep into the heart of the territory was trust more so than Zalen would have given if it weren't for the fact Insomnia was by him; her carefree nature seeped into him like sunlight.


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