cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war

bleh finals

Dimly, Alma worried about both of her companion's wounds. Ezekiel, because he was the leader and Inferni would likely fall apart without him, and Emmanuelle because she was so young - though there was hardly anyone in Inferni that she actually wanted to see dead or wounded. Her eyes scanned over each of them in turn. Blood mingled among the fur of both of them, and it seemed she was luckier than them - if one could be called that, in this situation.

Getting on the horse presented a challenge for the coyote woman, but not one she couldn't overcome. While the yearling climbed up with the Aquila's help, she climbed up a nearby tree. The rust coyote maneuvered herself on a branch until she could safely get on the horse without either jumping and startling it, or slipping off. Alma sat behind Emmanuelle, and watched with silence as she presented the necklaces to their leader. They held no significance to her, and she was curious if they hold any for Ezekiel.

It was then that the orange-haired woman noticed the wolf head. It seemed at least one of them was able to best their opponent. Shame flooded into Alma; she'd barely been able to wound her attacker. Her bow was gone now, and her quiver... is still stuck in that tree. Shit.

All three of them were wounded. It was unlikely that they would delay visiting Enkiel just so she could retrieve her quiver. It was still morning; she might have time to retrieve afterwards - and hopefully it wouldn't rain.

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