Not the Hero we deserve

She shook her head at the dark male, but she grinned despite herself. "That's not what I meant. Though she certainly is pretty." The girl gave a critical eye to Savina's scratches, putting some ointment on each one. She knew that the stuff would sting a bit, but also trusted that Savina knew that too, and that she would be able to handle it. She hadn't put any of the ointment on Noah's eye because she hadn't wanted to infect it further; eyes reacted very differently to things, and she wasn't sure if such treatment would make him go completely blind in that eye or if it would help heal it.

"No more fighting wildcats." She told the young boy sternly. "You should leave them up to Savina and me. Maybe sometime we can go and scout them out, if they're still around. I'm still in good enough shape that I could stalk a couple of cats." She was feeling a bit tired, and picked up her supplies in her teeth, throwing away what needed to be tossed and putting the rest up on a shelf. "Stay in Twilight Vale for the next few days, Noah, so I can keep an eye on your...eye." And with that the fem started up the stairs.


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