A Walk On The Beach
OOC – Short post... -.-

Toby paid attention to the words, taking in Alexander's thoughts and being respectfully quiet. A light, or a spark flew through the sky and caught the german shepherd's attention so he turned his head. A shooting star. He barely was able to see it, but when he did it was beautiful and wonderful. He closed his eyes quickly and summoned a wish from deep in his brain that could only suit the conversation. Make me happy... As he opened his eyes again he listened to Alexander's voice beside him.

What did make him happy? He pondered this a bit but as he thought of one single answer that wasn't very thoughtful at all considering the location. "Beaches make me happy... I like the waves... and the sand..." he pondered it a bit more and slowly began to grin. And the salty water around me, the cool currents shifting through my fur, the wind whipping my mane... Infact, the beach made him really happy he found. Happy enough that he may now know what to think about and where to go the next time he was down.

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