don't drink the water

I'll PM you that I've replied =)

[Image: header.jpg]

Hel made her way towards this part of coast, to find some solitude, some well-needed time to think. She was almost certain now, that soon she would have pups. There was still the matter of telling Styx. But then, what if she wasn't and all this was in her mind? It would break their hearts, both of theirs, because nothing she did would be good enough to make up for such a mistake. She glanced out to sea and remembered just how the crossing had felt, the salty drops on her fur, the smell of seaweed, the rolling waves. Her bow slung over her shoulder, her quiver needing new arrows, her footsteps echoed on the shingle. The hood of her cloak, a dark blue light material, drawn up to hide her face, her belt hidden by the air blowing the fabric around her, she stood out like some fae of old, except that she was taller, stronger and not quite so graceful.

The rock she sat on faced the sea. Spray from the water had not touched the wood and she took a cutting knife out, ready to make herself arrows. The bow she left by her feet and soon her movements were precise and devoted, her mind one with what she was creating. In this way, blocked off from the world, she could see and hear very little. Engrossed in her work, as Loki once put it, made her vulnerable to all kinds of attacks. She raised her head and looked out to sea again. If her doubts were confirmed, she would give birth to Loki's grandchildren away from Asgard, away from her mother and away from her brothers. Hel couldn't help but feel that in some small way, she had disappointed her family.


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