I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay

He fidgeted as he waited, alternating between tapping his foot softly and rolling his shoulders, trying to loosen the tension that had sprung up around him. In the distance birds called to each other, warning of his presence, a wolf amongst them. Their alarm calls were shrill and grated his nerves slightly. He looked around with a pained grimace. As the seconds ticked by with extended slowness he began to have second thoughts about coming here, what if they thought he was a spy and sent him away without telling him anything. He frowned. He hoped that wouldn't happen.

The woman that came towards him was not what he expected, she waved a stick about in front of her and walked with a reserved careful step. She came closer, obviously she was a lot smaller than him, she was a female, there wouldn't be any women taller than he was but she was not especially small even though to him, like most women, she seemed very fragile. Even closer still she walked and it was then that he noticed her eyes, whilst soft and warm in their color, there was an unfocused look to them and there was no quick small movements that were apparent in others, she didn't track him as he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. She was either blind or very poor sighted. Pity for her welled up inside of him and he resisted the urge to try comfort her about it. It would not be very well received he would bet.

But her voice was strong and self assured, defying her disabled nature, her eyes didn't react to his movements but her ears were trained perfectly upon him, and he suspected he wouldn't be able to move without her knowing exactly where he was and where he was moving to. He slowed his speech down and tried to block out most of his accent, his pack mates were used to it but strangers would have a hard time deciphering the strong Scottish brogue.

"'Allo thar Ma'am. I ahm Lorenzo, Ah come from Casa di Cavalieri. I was a-wonderin' if yah would beh kind as tah 'ave a little chat with mahself, about yer pack. Mah friend, Juliet, she cahms from here, and ah was curious yah see, about yer pack."

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