Part ways with your hole


ems is by nat.

She smiled with pleasure at his introduction, he had such a nice name. It fit him too as she gave him a quick once-over while eating, noticing the Mohawk that adorned his head. She liked the color it was, and it suit him. The youth would wait until he finished talking to speak, figuring he had more to ask. A few moments later he asked what Inferni was like, and she smiled again, though much smaller. She found it strange that a New Dawn wolf would be asking questions of it's not-so-friendly neighbor, but from what she had head the strictly wolf pack wasn't that friendly as well.

" Well, " She began, wondering how she was going to approach the subject without causing any offense to her new acquaintance. " It's nice. I love it actually, I am going to be the clan healer soon I think. I feel very at home there, lots of outsiders don't like coyotes but we operate like anybody else. We have families, relationships, and not nearly alot of tricksters and thieves reside there that I know about. " The youth said, glittering eyes focused on the male beside her. " Personally, I think we get a bad rap. I actually don't even know anybody in our clan that operates like that... Though I speak only for myself. "

" We are actually going through some problems right now due to our heritage. " Her words were solemn, and they came out quieter as she stood back and puffed out her chest, showing off her scars. They weren't noticeable the first time someone laid eyes on her, but if their eyes traveled throughout her pelt they would see them, littered about her body. Only a few were serious, but she was still sore about the subject. Wolves had no right taking the lives of the innocent.

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