Part ways with your hole


ems is by nat.

His next words made heat rise to her cheeks, though in anger instead of blushing. Whoever thought that about Coyotes were purely uneducated. Her expression did not change however, for she did not wish to make him angry with her for being sensitive about the racism both wolves and coyotes faced and were involved with eachother. She certainly hoped not everybody thought that, though with the recent wolf attacks she had to wonder. As he questioned about what had happened to her and her pack she hesitated, looking down to the meal she had abandoned. The youth wasn't sure if she should divulge information that might be sensitive to a wolf, but luckily he moved on, sensing she wasn't comfortable with the subject. This, she appreciated.

A laugh that sounded like gentle tinkling bluebells left her mottled maw at his next words, it reaching her eyes as she giggled at him. A toe cut eh? " Really? Then what would happen if I were to bite your foot. " She asked playfully, raising one canine eyebrow at him. Shaking her head and letting an exuberant smile settle on her maw she let her rump fall to the ground, tail beating against the ground. So far the tan woman found she was enjoying his company, and he was a wolf no less. Seriously though, she began to think about what he would need. " Well, you would need to put something on the wound if it were serious enough, gauze or clean leaves or grasses and then add pressure to it to clot the blood and stop the bleeding. " She started, her tone matter of fact but her words still delivered with a smile.

" Then you would need something to disinfect the wound, clean, filtered water, preferably heated mixed with willowbark should do that well enough, and that will keep it from swelling up and getting inflamed as well. " Pausing for a moment, a tongue snaked out of her muzzle so she could clean some of the blood off before continuing. " Then personally I would make a poultice out of aloe vera and meadowsweet, and also injest some witch hazel. Aloe Vera will help heal the wound so only apply it topically, never injest it or it might kill you. Meadowsweet will help keep it disinfected, keep it from getting inflammed and will actually relieve a lot of the pain. Witch hazel will keep it from getting itchy and you can mix it with heated water to wash your wound with. "

Smiling at him once more her tail beat against the ground, clearly please some of her knowledge had been put to use. " So there you have it, basic care of a wound. If you ever get injured, come find me and I'll fix you right up. " She said, giggling lightly.

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