I can understand that there are some similarities with other packs, but I think it is always going to be extremely difficult to create a pack that is completely unique, and doesnt hold similar values to other packs. Especially as there have been so many packs on 'Souls, its an impossible task.

It was certainly never our intention to copy Cercatori, and I would like to point out that trading is natural among large communities such as 'Souls. Trading, and trade routes, are not the main focal point of Vinátta however and we hope that it doesn't come across as so.

Finally, the point about Vinátta having strong familial bonds and an emphasis on friendship are natural values for a group of mammals. Even Anathema and Salsola, who are perhaps on the darker end of the spectrum of current packs, have strong family bonds.

I hope that we don't appear to have 'copied' anything from anyone else, it honestly was never our intentions with the limitations of creating a pack that is completely unique. Thank you for you input Vannah, it has helped to highlight some points that might have been a little unclear.

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