Settling in [AW]
He managed to stay still as his head was patted. For him this was the same as Shadow placing his head over him in lupine form, claiming dominance over him. Tharin was not a submissive creature. It immediately made him want to growl and move away, but Shadow was in fact his superior. He couldn't deny the male his right to assert his dominance. He did edge away as soon as the hand was removed, feeling better away from the oppressive feeling of dominance Shadow had left him with. He watched as the cloth was retrieved and shaken out, revealed to it's full length. There was a bit of mud on it from being dragged over the ground, the same as most things he had to move.

He crouched down as the cloak swirled around, settling onto the wolf before him. Tharin stared with a mixture of fascination and confusion, wondering why there was a cloth made for the luperci to wear. Surely they didn't need such a thing. He nodded his head in understanding, doing his best to not growl at the slight condescension in the tone. He really did feel like an idiot for asking now. He backed up and started to retrieve other items, keeping his mouth shut about them this time. Tharin was a proud wolf, one that wanted to serve his pack. He did no one any good by looking the fool before a stranger.

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