
OOC: He's not the only one that needs to snap out of it. xD WC: 323

Though she knew she was supposed to keep her eyes lowered around Zalen at all times, she couldn’t help but shoot a glance up at him in surprise. Of course he had a name but…he was her leader. Her king in a way. The pack would not stand without him, and she was a mere Epsilon. How could she possibly act so casually around such a wolf? Instantly, she was worried that she’d offended him, too consumed in this panic to realize that her eyes were staring into his own emerald ones. It was a few seconds before she realized her offence, but by then the male had moved forward and was licking over her snout.

The lashes of that tongue caused sensations she’d never felt before. Sensations which she wasn’t even supposed to feel, at least not for Zalen. The ways of nature did not care about the difference between Augustus and Zalen, between Alpha and Epsilon even. The only difference that mattered here was that he was male, and she female. She was young, fertile and ready while he was, as mentioned, in his prime. A soft whimper left her throat when his tongue withdrew. Her mind was frantic, filling her head with excuses to depart and forcing the mental image of Augustus to her viewing pleasure, but her body would not listen.

Without realizing what she was doing, Ciara had pulled herself from the stream and gently shook the water from her fur. Those scented droplets fell around the pair, doubtlessly falling on the young Alpha’s nose and making her heat-scent even stronger. After shaking herself out, she stood still and looked at him, eyes taking in the athletic, healthy build of the dark male before her. She studied him from nose to tail-tip, then glanced back to his candy-green eyes.

Zalen, she finally replied, as though he needed to know his name. Her tone was sultrier than she’d expected.

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