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Haste influenced her terrible aim and as she clung to the back of the beast riding its terrified bucks and kicks, she came to realize its painful repercussions. A will executed kick did its intended damage, effectively knocking the she-wolf off the back of the surprisingly resilient prey. But she would not claim defeat when other depended on her success.

She thought of them and panic coursed through her adrenaline fueled upon seeing the other leap for her game. Her lips peeled back in a hostile smile as she watched the male grab onto her intended kill as she took a brief moment to regain her footing. No… the meat was not his, but HERS! And she would be damned to have her efforts stolen away by circumstance. The killing blow would be hers, to claim the meat rightfully as her own and ensure her band would survive for days more. When the civilized tongue would have better suited the misunderstanding well underway, instinct dictated she not speak, but as as a hunter would. And again with reopened wound and bleeding shoulder, she proceeded a frontal charge to the vacant side of the elk’s neck and clamped down like a tightening vice around its cords.

Gradually the hoarse brays turned to gasps for breath as it began to suffocate on the blood rushing into its throat. The she-wolf clamped harder still, letting her weight drag down the impressive beast by the neck. His legs buckled as both the running blood and loss of air drained his strength. Futile as his efforts were, he continued to try for an escape, jerking his neck wildly to be freed of the two pairs of jaws wrapped around his neck, but inevitably caused his own demise. The cords snapped by an ill placed twist of his neck and finally he was still and silent. The autumn wolf felt the grace of his sweet blood upon her tongue and envisioned that the first trickle was that of his life draining away… the essence she had taken to make the kill her own.

She held fast for a moment longer, shaking her head to ensure the beast was damn before delicately unwrapping her jaws. In confidence over her claim, she placed a heavy paw atop its crown head, interrupted from her private ritual of savoring the blood to give her attention to the stranger seemingly bequeathed by the ancestors. Had he not appeared when he did, undoubtedly the outcome would not have been with her as relatively whole as she was. Softly, she whined her gratitude and offered a friendly wag of her tail despite her rigid stature, but by no means relinquished her position above the head of the carcass.

455 words.


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