taste the night

-screaming fangirl-

Saul Chibi is by Requiem!

The delicate press of her body against his was a comfort, even if he could feel himself growing hotter and harder in all the wrong places. Or perhaps the right places, if there was anything right about their situation. The delicious tickle of her fur against his hand, resting easily on her waist and pulling her closer, caused him to hum softly, a grin on his lips as he looked down into fathomless blue eyes. The sunlight surrounding them gave them new depth, brought out the brown in her wild curls, highlighted the curves of her body in just the right way. And the backdrop to their forbidden tryst was a peaceful, sunny meadow, undisturbed by those who would certainly not understand. Because there was nothing but love, lust and an acceptance that this thing between them was utterly right. It was as natural as breathing to lean down, his nose grazing softly against hers as his tongue danced along her lips, a taunting edge to the caress that he had longed to give for so long. There was a bittersweetness to this meeting that both of them couldn't deny- they would leave here once more and she would go back to pretending as though he didn't exist. He couldn't bring himself to resent this meeting however- she had finally come to him, her little body eager and pliable as he'd moved them through the forest, twirling and stealing kisses at every turn. Her eyes lit up with arousal and he allowed a crooked grin to light up his face, strong fingers sliding the straps from her dress from her shoulders, a soft shudder racing through his body as she was revealed. A low, aroused growl rumbled in his chest as he took another kiss, hands gripping her hips almost desperately as he lifted her, fitting her around his waist and pressing her against--

His dream was interrupted as a blast of cold air caused him to stir softly, not enough to fully wake and open his eyes, but enough to make him aware of his surroundings once more. He remained as he was, sprawled out on the furs that made his bed, one arm flung out to the side while the other rested over his face. A shuddering breath caught him, perhaps suggesting that he was waking, before he settled his head back down. His body, however, seemed to understand that there was someone there and he remained in a semi-conscious state, able to hear what was going on in his hut but not awake enough to respond. He listened, catching the subtle rustle of fur on fur, the slow movement towards him. He shifted, rolling onto his side almost as if to meet the little body fitting against him. As her body tucked against his, he automatically removed his hand from his head, wrapping it around her waist and pulling her closer to his, perhaps conveniently, naked body, subtly pressing her closer to his groin.

At exactly the same time, consciousness snapped back and he froze, realising what he'd just done. Green eyes snapped open, panic and sleep clouding them. Luckily, he was met with the wall of Lilin's hair, which also confirmed the identity of his midnight visitor. He forced himself to relax, to not react to his subconscious arousal to the female. Instead, he nosed into her hair, breathing in her scent. He hadn't fully accepted just how much he'd missed her, his arms aching to completely encase her and pull her closer. The silence was not uncomfortable, but he knew that this was no ordinary reunion. Where have you been? He asked, his voice thick with sleep. He referred not only to her recent break from their camp, but her absence in the camp altogether since they had kissed. Perhaps not having to look at him properly would tempt her to remain truthful and pliant in her answers.

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