Source of Life

OOC here! WC: 240

Isa noticed Adelle’s tail wagging behind her, no doubt excited that there could possibly be new pups for her to play with. She wasn’t even sure though if she would have pups. She was already almost done with her cycle and she hadn’t noticed any signs of her being pregnant. Then again, she had never been pregnant before, or been around any females who were, so it could be possible that she wouldn’t notice. Hopefully she would, Isa would love having some pups of her own.

Isa shook her head as she spoke. No, I don’t think I’m pregnant know. The young woman should be able to understand the silver woman’s words, even if it was English. The second part of Adelle’s question Isa was unsure how to answer. She was still young so perhaps she shouldn’t explain exactly what happens just yet. Deciding to give the pup a simple version, she looked over at the young girl beside her. It takes both a male and a female to have pups. That I will explain a little better later. Isa smiled at Adelle before nipping at the pups ear playfully. Train now?

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