just a rat in a cage.

Sorry for the the spelling, I’ve returned my PC and am awaiting a refund of the money I spent on it so I can buy a new one…so I’m posting from my work, writing on notepad >.< -564-

Danger, danger. But the little voice in the back of his head ignored it. It would not let this body succomb to fear, so while his heart was pumping the adrenaline through his body, the angry voice , his other self, was leading him with curious steps forward in to the grey light

It felt intoxicating, being back in this used role of his. A craftsman by birth, but a hunter for life. The game had just started, and he realized now that the other didn’t want to be found; did he want someone to play with? Or was it all evil trickery? Whatever it was, Des didn’t give it much thought. He felt he could pull out whenever he wanted, and had it not been for the voice, he might not even have walked in to the building.

The other was clearly smart, Des thought, standing with his eyes closed for a second trying to filter out the many old smells and the sounds of silence. A sudden squeek woke him up from his concentration and bloody red eyes burst up, penetrating the surroundings around him. He lowered his head, his ears pierced to his head. A slight growl could be heard coming up from his throat and pressing itself through his teeth. The furr on his back had slightly risen, the defensive position was instinctive.

A door ahead of him was silently taunting him with an awkward gleam that had not been there before. The dusty flooring bare witness to the movement which had happened while he was “blind”, had he been that close to the other? These unfamiliar surroundings were clearly clogging his mind and senses. And though he didn’t want to admit it, they confused him a bit. With his head hanging low, he walked towards the gleaming door. Even though his eyes were fixed on it, he kept on looking to his sides, both for attackers and for clues to where the other might be. He didn’t want anymore surpises. With steady careful steps, not hurrying at all, he neared the door.

Des sniffed the door, and finally he got what he had wanted; a pure sample of the others scent. Another suction of breath, ah yes, he had him. Carefully the dark male let the door open, but without letting his head inside the room, like before, he didn’t take any risks. The grey room looked dead and empty. Cubicle upon cubicle, rows and rows of the same boring “rooms”. He stood there for a couple of seconds, just looking inside the room. But then, as by a mechanicle twist, he turned around. It was too simple, far too simple. He reminded himself that this was a clever one, a trickster. Someone who didn’t want to be found wouldn’t make easy faults like that, if they were afraid, they would lay still, if they wanted to confuse him, well, they would do what this one did; plant false traces.

Had he been four years younger, simple tricks might have done the job confusing him. But years of experience had to count for something. He looked at the door vis a vis the one he had almost walked through, his teeth unsheded, growling. He turned his focus ahead and let his dark shadow pass the doors. He wasn’t stupid either.


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