Call me Baby..when you're old enough..
His oceanic stare was removed from his polishing to look over toward the source of the outburst. A young female, not even one year by the looks of it was walking away from something, it was just over a rise of earth making it hard to see, but he could see her. She was looking right at him. A light smile came to his muzzle and he beckoned toward her not wanting to stand. "Hey! Did ya hurt yourself!?" He continued to smile, waiting to see if she would come to him. He wanted to continue polishing his sword. The Marino male was almost done with one side of the sword, he needed to finish the other side. Once that was done he could give her his undivided attention.

His gaze fell from her to go back to polishing waiting for an answer, and maybe for her to come closer. His hands again going back to small circular motion down the blade toward the hilt, then wiping away the access oil with a dry portion of the rag. His eyes looked up toward the girl, his free hand grabbing the hilt and quickly rolling the hilt in his hand making the blade flip to the other side, stopping any more rotation, then rebalanced the blade on his lap. He resumed his attention back onto polishing.

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