Savin' me

word count; 582

Leaning over the female, he noticed how much she seemed to tremble, and what a shock she must have had. She seemed breathless, scared, more than anything, and it did not seem she was injured too badly despite having something double her size straddle her violently. But she was alright. Luna muttered that she was alright and slowly, Frodo nodded, agreeing that she could still move and talk and whatnot. He didn't think he'd need to call a medic, especially as if he remembered correctly, she was probably one herself. She was a stranger, but in a pack, everyone had their connections. He didn't know her, she was almost a stranger to him, but he was familiar with her scent.

Green eyes took in the way she smiled hysterically, almost like a child, as if she found the situation amusing. This made him give a sideways glance over to where the puma was, but the big cat was still down. Frodo figured the thing was dead, but he couldn't have been more wrong. He was distracted from checking it by the site of Luna licking at her paw, which seemed to be slightly injured, and he took a step back to let her clean it, and get back on her feet by herself. He did not really want or need to intrude on her now, after all, he'd done his bit.

Nothing stopped him from grinning, however, as she thanked him. It was nice to be thanked. It made his pride well up and eyes glisten with something excited. My pleasure. It be the appeasement of my troubles. Story of my life. Yer get me? he chuckled bashfully, and then watched her head turn from him to the dead creature behind her. But no. He also looked in the direction she was staring at, and realised that the puma was not dead at all. It was getting to its feet. The site made Frodo slightly upset. He wanted to do something to help, for he felt slight sympathy for the creature that had been so hungry, it wanted to make a meal of a wolf. However, the only way to cure an arrow wound would be to pull it out. A perfect soloution if the arrow is in an arm or a leg...but the puma had no chance with it in it's neck. Too much blood would be lost. It would die in pain. So Frodo felt obliged to end it's misery.

Poor whippersnapper. the brute muttered. He suspected that Luna would not take kindly to him feeling sorry for the creature that attacked her, but all the same, he was not one to hide his feelings. And so gently, he lifted his bow for the final time, knocked arrow number 2 in place, and fired at the struggling Puma, through the heart. He knew that he needed to be precise, and could not make a mistake, and he managed just this as the Puma's life ended with a final gurgle. It could make good meat, Puma...perhaps a bit tough, and gamey, but food all the same. If yer help me drag it back ter camp, so to speak, ah will lend a paw on the mantlepiece wit' yer? he offered, heading over to see what he could lift of the puma. It was heavy, but not unbearable. He meant to say that if she helped him, he'd help her, but he was unsure whether she'd understand or not.

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