[M] A book's the way to go
Word Count :: 478 OOC: Me too Big Grin

His stupid smile was still on his face as he kept his eyes on her but he didn’t really start moving yet. He knew exactly where to go now that she suggested it, but he couldn’t take a step away it was as though someone put his feet in clay and it had hardened around him.

“I do know a perfect spot to wash up at. ..”

He cut himself off, and as she spoke to him about staring and her admiration of his eyes he couldn’t help but feel every part of him tingle. He had to actually shake himself to keep from falling over like a dumb stricken animal who had his head clobbered.

“Th.... thanks, um The purple is my mother’s color and the green is my fathers. They were surprised when I opened my eyes.

He said blinking a little and now averting his eyes. He wasn’t sure how he was suppose to handle this, and to help himself more than her he cleared his throat and gave his mane a shake, the stiff red hawk moved a little as he did so making him think only slightly clearer.

“Well um that’s right to clean up! I know where to go, follow me.”

He said and he forced his paws away from her though he knew he wanted to glue himself right next to her at that very moment. His walk was a little stiff, though he held his head up high, like any proud wolf would do when there was a woman around. He wanted to show off and he was sure once he loosened his limbs a little his puppy like state would come out soon enough. He moved through the trees towards the little river, it was the closest and best water source they had and it was perfect for exactly what the young woman wanted.

“So uh.... what made you want to come here?”

He asked curiously. He couldn’t help thinking about how wolves chose a place and if they chose a place for a reason. He knew this was his home, though he wasn’t entirely attached to it like he thought he should be, but he was loyal and did not risk its security for his own pleasure. He had chosen it for its’ wild route, and that his cousin lived there. He could have stayed in Cour des miracles but there was too much for him to live up to, his father, his mother, his uncles and aunts. He just wanted to be himself and not someone else. So he was curious as to why someone else would pick New Dawn. Everyone had their own reason and since she was so new already and he now had to know everything about her.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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