The older teach the younger
sorry, short post ;_;

From then on he said not a word to her or hardly even acknowledged her presence, she should be watching and learning from his demonstration, it was the only way to learn after all. Lorenzo didn't believe in learning from books but from true hard experience, the only way you found out that life was dangerous was when it grabbed you by the throat and dragged you for the ride. His dusty form melted into the undergrowth with an ease that some might consider unnerving, almost as though he were a ghost to disappear at will.

Bicolored curious eyes flickered from side to side and pierced the underbrush, sharp and intent they glittered like the jewels they mirrored. And yet he was acutely aware of the youngster following in his overly large paw prints. Her soft shallow breathing and the quiet whisper of her footsteps. The slight rustle of leaves. True silence would come with practice and experience.

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