[M] A book's the way to go

WC:: 298

Palaydrian was ready to walk back the way they had come, tail tucked between her legs. She wanted to find a private place in the den where she could bury her face for a few days. Ultimately she was being a dramatic teen, but in this moment she thought she could die. Jiva probably thought she was a complete fool. There was no logical reason for him to want to show her around in the first place if it hadn’t been for her perfume. The cream wolf felt defeated. She hated that her body was going through this changing period and yet it was something she still didn’t completely understand. She thought of her how brother was around Kila. He never spurned her or turned away from her advances. She had definitely done something wrong. Why else would the red male withdraw from her? I’m ugly... His growl interrupted her thoughts.

Her head cocked to the side as she listened to him, she was still afraid to make eye contact again, but as she listened, her smile spread back onto her lips. Drin looked up and her gaze softened at seeing his difficulty in approaching her again. He cares after all! Her heart fluttered. His actions weren’t meant to be personal at all, he was simply being cautious. Drin was not aware of the rules around here but she figured his wariness was because of them and she would not question it anymore. “No need for an apology...sometimes I take things a little too personally. For that, I am sorry,” she said giving him another reassuring smile. “I’d greatly appreciate your company, where to next?” Awkwardness out of the way, she hoped they could continue.

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