[M] A book's the way to go
Word Count :: 309 OOC:

His heart had not calmed down but when she gave him her smile he did relax somewhat, enough to show that he was relieved. It was hard to explain to someone he just met that he was experiencing stuff he had never experienced before, and that he wanted to do things that embarrassed even him... to her, and it was because of her scent at least he was sure of it, so he didn’t want false impressions. His attitude would remain the same around her, though with a bit less flirting than he’d given, but he was a nice wolf and if he liked someone, which he could say he liked her, he would continue to be their friend. As she agreed to continue with the tour he couldn’t help but smile.

“Have you seen our view of the ocean?”

The young man asked his tail beginning to wag a little again. He knew that would be a good place for her to get her mind off things. In fact it would probably be the best time to go out there and let her have a look. Then he could show her a bit of the mountain, though he had learned when he was on a trek with his cousin, he was not too fond of heights, but he was sure she’d like the view from the bottom, he just wouldn’t mention the view up top. not until she met someone who could take her without clinging to the side of the wall in fear. He began walking once more, out into the open so the sun could dry off their fur and moved toward the beach. If she wanted she could follow, but he would keep a steady pace, still a little stiff legged, but he still was able to move well enough.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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