Not to be lost or forgotten
[html] I really need to stop trying to reply while watching basketball lol

Sea green eyes found the Oak's bright blues, refreshing her recently recalled memory. The cinnamon girl did her best to be discreet so as to not seem like she was staring, but she had no need to worry. Oak seemed similarly absorbed, so it was likely he would not notice her actions. His words renewed the excitement in her heart, though she forced herself to hide it externally. Someone had been concerned enough about her to come looking for her. She hadn't had someone care at all about her in a long time.

"No, I haven't moved on," she replied, her sea green gaze breaking from his for a moment. "I thought, perhaps, that I might leave in another day or so, but I had not decided on anything. I have never been good at saying farewell to anything. Letting go of this place, even though I have only lived here for a short time, has been difficult for me." Confessing her feelings did leave her open, but there was no point in hiding her attachment to the lands of the former Crimson Dreams. She had finally found a place where she belonged, and via an unforeseen circumstance, it had disappeared. Still, she did not blame the leader for disbanding the pack. In fact, had she been in the same situation, Cassia knew she would have done the same. Though, it would have been easier for her to protect a pack, with her training in the martial arts of the sword, bow, tooth, and claw. She would have gladly used her abilities to protect a pack, but she was only a single individual, and a female at that. Nimble, precise and strong, though she was, if matched against brute strength she would have been at a disadvantage.

"I'm glad you found me," she admitted it with a friendly smile. Oak was her friend, she had feared she would not get to see him again after the pack's disbandment. Her own personal issues and her calm, collected facade were no match for her feelings of happiness at being found by the first friend she had made in these lands. [/html]

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