Part ways with your hole


ems is by nat.

There was a long pause before he spoke again, noting that there was only one healer in the pack. That wasn't unusual, Inferni had one official healer and then Emma herself was going for that status within the pack. When all was said and done, there would be two healers and that would have to be enough within the coyote dominated clan. She noted his compliment and laughed lightly and smiled at him, a mischievous look in her eyes. " I'm not only good at that, I'm pretty good at other things too.. " She said nonchalantly, looking away from him as if to be distant. Suddenly she moved from her sitting position to a crouching one and jumped at Jiva, hands outstretched.

It was purely play of course, but the wicked look painted on Emma's face, in a different situation, might have spoken otherwise. This time, she was going to show him that though she was a pretty, nicely-shaped female, her body was not soft, no, it was muscular and strong. Her hands connected with his unsuspecting shoulders and sent him tumbling backwards, Emma landing on him. A split second passed where she straddled him and looked into his eyes before rolling off to the left and going into the crouching position again, laughing and looking again at him with that mischievous, playful look in her eyes.

" Show me what you can do Jiva.. Or what you can't do.. " She said teasingly, a good natured smile painted on her face. Adrenaline had started up within her heart as she made contact with him, her body on top of his previously electrifying the youth.

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