Pack Brothers
The deer backed up as Tharin moved forwards, tossing it's head. It wasn't a clean stroke, but Tharin moved in, teeth sinking into it's neck. Hooves flew as it reared up, desperate to rid itself of the predator determined to bring about it's death. A couple struck Tharin before he dropped down again, backing up. Nothing had broken, luckily, but his blood was mingled in the air as well now. The deer snorted, beginning to limp away. It would die, there was no question now, but Tharin would have it as his prey, and not the prey of some other lucky animal that came across the dying deer.

A leg kicked back, sending it stumbling down as it went off balance. Growling Tharin leaped clear, using the opportunity to hit it's back. The deer twisted wildly, unable to clamber up again with the weight on it's body. Teeth tore viciously at the flesh, large bloody wounds running down. There was only so much that he could reach there, but it was a good amount, again weakening the deer and bringing it closer to death. The wolf that stood by was completely forgotten, the silver male entranced by the death beneath him.

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