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ooc: I cant remember when I had her on two legs last XD

During her time on these still foreign lands, she had come to realize her own strangeness regarding her home community. While it was always described as a pack to the North, given the change in the season, they would have been well to the East if her memory of their trail served her right. Claiming the North always seemed easier to comprehend, both for herself and those that did not know of her culture, limiting her reason for going into the description of the Endless Path and how it led. But it was rooted deeply within her and despite its complexity, she was made to speak of it again with a smile.

"Not so much for the warmer climate," she contested while giving the wound a final cleanse. "By culture speaks of an Endless Path that carries stray souls from out home to find a fitting course for themselves. I was...rather, I am still on this Path and was brought to these lands some time ago." Lapping her maw again, she turned her golden muzzle to the blue overhead with a fond smile playing on her lips. "But I do miss the chill of the North. This climate still takes getting used to... though the air is much more fragrant during this season... very pleasant."

When asked for a moment to retrieve his tools, the woman sat patiently as the eagle was sent off on her errand. Looking at the relationship between bird and handler, she was compelled to evaluate her own relationship with the two owls hanging overhead. Aside from occasionally acting as scouts neither had been conditioned in such a way to retrieve anything other than small game, the largest of the two more so than the smaller female. But then, what was there for either of them to do other than to act as her eyes and extra set of claws? They were guides more so than tools... but still the woman found herself thinking.

Once bird and tools returned, she discarded that train of thought and revisited the meat still in need of sectioning. Seeing the potential to work, her preferred form was altered to favor the more dexterous, equipping herself with flexible digits in order to hold the hide taunt in the process of skinning. She hadn't noticed her companion had run off until her form settled and she combed back the wild bangs from her eyes to see him returning, his form also changed. She looked to him with a curious tilt of her head and an ear perked in curiosity. Was he not used to changing in front of others, she wondered. Or perhaps it was a taboo to be exposed. She recalled an embarrassed look upon the New Dawn Alpha's face when he had seen her change without consideration and felt quite embarrassed for doing so yet again.

But as she opened her mouth to apologize for her inconsiderate behavior she was distracted by instruction and about jumped to her feet to comply. "Of course," she replied in a calm, quiet tone despite the excited sway of her tail. "Let me see what I can find..." Briskly she walked into the surrounding wood, nearly tripping over herself as she reacquainted herself with the use of two, rather than four limbs.

548 words.


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