Rousing the Succubus
Lemme at em![html]
[/html]A war? Inferni? Her turn to wonder. Yet somehow the more convincingly innocent his character grew the more convinced she became this really was Brote trying to freak her mind or some crazy bullshit. He would, too. "I don't believe this madness for a second so don't try to scare me. I'm not the brainwashed little Lorridoll you think I am."

Underneath the built-up layers of caustic attitude her feminine side prayed there would be such a thing as refuge when this confusing meeting was over. The sudden subconscious flattening of her ears was testament to her hidden canine soul and all the natural instincts that came with it. Her eyes were still hard as piss-stained diamonds though.

She brought her fingers up and held them out to show Brote-in-disguise how fucked up they had gotten, "I don't even know how I did it!" Meaning, she didn't know how she managed to escape his cages, but how could the poor stranger know this? She laughed hysterically at him for failing to keep her locked up. The she-coyote rolled onto her back and rocked from beginning to end of spine and holding her belly until the spasms subsided and she had regained sitting composure. But why not just stand up like a "normal" wolf? Lorri could not trust her strength to it, but feared the man would take advantage of such knowledge. Crusted, scabbed fingers sifted through the grass as she feigned interest in it though it pained her to touch the microscopic blades with her already maimed phalanges.

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