A simple Song
She had him and she gripped hard enough that she could pull back a little a thrash gently showing him just how ferocious she could be. It wasn't enough to cause him any real pain, unless he chose to fight her grip. He didn't, he was still for a moment, his tail going in and out of view. He wanted her to release her grip, and she suddenly felt powerful. She stood fully, her neck and head in an awkward position to maintain her grip. His pleas and demand made her tail wag, and with one growl of dominance coming from her she let go, only to be showered with licks. It made her blush as she realized she suddenly had a power thrill from being the one to call the shots. She could have kept her grip, she could have done something awful being in a position of power. Luckily, Adonia wasn't that kind of canine. She wouldn't hurt another, even when pushed, words were her route, usually.

Adonia giggled at his licks and she, not thinking, rubbed her muzzle along Tharin's. Her tail wagging lightly as her body felt something she hadn't felt in a while. Something, only Ookami had sparked in her. A light whimper came from her, then she backed away lightly, her cheeks feeling warm. The wolfdog was embarrassed by showing him affection as she did. She was mated, and Ookami was back, he was injured and here she was playing, and showing another affection. Adonia didn't say anything, just sat down, with a light smile on her face, hiding her thoughts. In a way, she wondered, if she wasn't mated, would she have even allowed Tharin to do the act? Probably not, she wasn't that kind of wolf, she certainly would have allowed him to court her though...

She stood abruptly and shook her wet pelt off, trying to clear the sand and her head.

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