Rousing the Succubus
[/html]By mere acceptance of her odd request there was really no need for examination of odorous body parts, but she gave his left foot a hard glare to at least make it feel worth his while. All his squishy paw pads shined gloriously in the young sunlight. It put an acute grin on her face that lasted even after he put his feet down and began talking about the going-ons of this mystery war. "For fuck's sake I don't even know how I got here, much less why I'm making friends with the likes of a wolf ...or whatever you are. For all you and I know the enemies knocked me out to secretly infect me with rabies and sent me here to infiltrate and destroy all of Inferni!" The joke turned her cute little smile in to a savage, fang-bearing snicker, "Ticking Time Bomb Lorri at your service, Anselm. I'm honored, but... I'd like to not sit in a pool of blood any longer. Where could I wash?" She began the slow process of licking herself clean but it was obvious only going to do but so much good until she could get to a water source.

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