april showers
Amy had stopped at the pack before, so she already knew the answer to the question. It was simply prepping the pup, getting him ready to answer whatever questions she chose to ask of him. It would be easy to get the information out of him that way, so used to answering them that he does so without thought. Canines often did that, youth even more so. She nodded her head at the answer, accepting what she was given. Tilting her head Amy wondered what her answer should be for the pup. Perhaps she should lie. No, he was still young enough to be molded. He would accept the truth without questioning how it was possible.

I can retrieve anything that one asks for. I sell everything that can be imagined. If you need medicine, or clothing, or even a spell against something bad, I can find it and bring it to you. Granted, Amy didn't believe in spells, selling them usually to the superstitious that would believe something was magical even if it had clearly come from a place no more magical than the dirt they were standing on. She traded in flesh as well, but Amy didn't think he needed to know that. I see. What kind of stuff does the pack like to get?

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