[M] A book's the way to go
Word Count :: 233 OOC: Shaw stinketh at the end lol.

The scene before him suddenly became all too familiar, except he was on two legs, not four and it was another woman, another... but he couldn’t think straight nor could he understand exactly what was going on. He didn’t want to think about it though. It just felt more like de ja vu than anything else. He didn’t pull back though, not yet at least. He was far too intoxicated by both the woman and being near the sound of the sea as it moved to and from the shore. He didn’t have to move away though, and he didn’t want her but he didn’t move. He could give her a soft smile at her question. It was a simple enough question.

“I miss talking to them, being with them physically... but I know deep down they will always be with me in my heart. We all have to go our seperate ways.”

He could tell she was now homesick and he nudged her with his head again, reassuringly. He knew that no matter what happened he was her pack brother and he would look out for her. He wouldn’t say it though instead he was sure to show it. He was certain that he could look out for her as anyone would with those they cared for. Be it for a day or since they were born.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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