In Need of Direction


She listened to him talk, background noise for her bath. She was cleaned up now, feeling much better than before. Amy felt amazingly powerful in her secui form, but it was always so much better to settle down into optime form and return to the life of elegance that she had chosen. Her ears did twitch slightly as he spoke, wondering if he was really going with the conversation that she thought he was. Surely there were better members to ask than her. She traveled a lot, didn't spend a lot of time here. In fact, she was leaving to travel again tomorrow.

He did ask her! Amy had done nothing warm or inviting for this male, actually laughing at the wound that he had received. Yet he wanted to spend time with her. Well, that was intriguing. Amy wondered what he was thinking about, asking someone so abrasive to show him his way around Anathema. I can show you some. If you ask around, you can get a map of the caves. She didn't mention that she was leaving tomorrow, thinking it none of his business. Moving Amy waded towards the shore, shifting down into lupus form, a more graceful four legged form than the monstrous one she killed in. Shall we go?

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