the stars sing to me.
Word Count :: 323 OOC:

If he didn’t think things were awkward now.... well it was going to get stranger. He listened to his alpha, and the response that he got from the woman visiting. His heart sank. He didn’t know things had been that bad for them over there. The wolves that were attacking Inferni wanted to exterminate coyotes? Why? Jiva frowned, no wonder the woman had taken such offense to his comment about what his dad had said. He felt bad for even mentioning it even if it was just to prove he didn’t care what others thought, he wasn’t going to let other’s judgment get the better of him. He had no say in this matter though. He would let the alpha do what he needed. This was an answer for Zalen. Jiva would have said something, but at around that moment was when Palaydrin came and his heart stopped. He saw that she was hurt and he gave her a worried look.

“Are you ok? Do you need someone to look at it?”

He asked, moving closer to get a look. Then remembered Emmanuelle as Palaydrian spoke of friends introductions. Jiva gave a smile, albait a nervous one and spoke.

“This is Emmanuelle, we had a chance meeting not too long ago. She’s come to visit.”

He said, he really figured that was what she was there for, though wasn’t sure exactly what for, but he would hopefully find out soon enough. He couldn’t believe how much of an interest it brought for one coyote woman to be at the borders, but he was just glad Zalen accepted her as a friend. He didn’t know how he felt about Emma, he knew he liked her and he was quite taken by her, but he also knew he was very taken by Pala, and he was sure he couldn’t blame her heat cycle for that either.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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