the stars sing to me.

WC:: 4+ The drama!

Palaydrian was unfamiliar with pack wars. She came from an area whose packs shared hunting grounds, meeting rocks, and often had inter matings between clans to strengthen their brotherhood. Violence was not something she was accustomed to, though there were obviously darker characters in her world. But to hear about wolves attacking a clan simply because of their blood made Drin’s stomach flip. How could any canine so selfishly murder their brethren in cold blood? Syliat had been racist against coyotes and red furred mexican wolves, but the demoness never forced her thoughts or ideals on her family members. In fact, Drin only knew about this minor flaw in her meemaw’s character because she had overheard her mother talking about it when she was younger. At the time Drin had no idea what a “yote” was, but as she grew up she understood that wolves were the only canines to walk the earth.

Words of war in Inferni lit up her seal point ears before she had emerged from the cover of the thicket, she had a feeling the coywolf was a force to be reckoned with, especially when she answered Zalen with a dark response. This was something Drin would remember if they were to ever meet again...a darkness that Kila carried and spilled out like oil in water over her. Zalen offered his condolences and what sounded like a promise of New Dawn’s help if need be and then the tri-stocking femme made her approach.

The golden femme could see she was matched in keeping up appearances as well as Emma offered her cordial nod. Jumping to conclusions will get you nowhere, she reminded herself before Jiva interrupted her thoughts. So Jiva was familiar with her, and they must have hit it off if she was already visiting him, but the femme forced her mind to keep her emotions light. She couldn’t be mad that Jiva was out meeting others...he didn’t belong to anybody. But why was she beginning to feel the poison tendrils of jealousy?

Both Zalen and Jiva turned their concern to her wrist. Her sea bicolored eyes softened as she held her Alpha’s and then Jiva’s gaze. “You two gentlemen are too much!” She teasingly protested, but smiled nonetheless. “It was a stupid accident,” she turned her attention to Emma to include the girl in the conversation, Drin may have her questions, but she wasn’t a rude girl. “My nose and overwhelming hunger led me to a rabbit trap a few days ago, which in turn snared me instead,” she laughed at her folly, trying to make light of the situation. “Trust me, it looked much worse earlier. I think I just need a good bandage and I’ll be good to go,” she offered to the males hoping they wouldn’t fuss over her anymore than they already were.

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