the stars sing to me.


Jiva was apparently too drawn up in the appearence of the two others to really pay attention to the coyote woman before him and she had to stifle a snort as he moved closer to the seal-pointed wolf. A frown almost registered on her face as attention was sifted away from her, and she cleared it with an innocent look, grumbling to herself on the inside. Her own attentions were diverted from Jiva momentarily as his dark Alpha spoke, and she nodded in response to her words, mind being brought to the horrors the war had taken on them. She wasn't sure of how the others had fared, but her own mind as damaged, as her body. Subconsciously she raised a paw and ruffled the fur where her scars peeked out, trying to make them less noticeable.

It may have been vanity, but she honestly was insecure about her scars. They were new to her, and she didn't feel proud of them yet. They were testaments that she hadn't come out on top, that others had bested her, and these particular scars made her recall the terror that had wracked her youthful form as she had been hidden in the bushes, trying to hide from the very first Boreas attack that she had ever been a part of. That particular attack hadn't been fair, she had been beaten brutally and it shamed her to think of how weak she used to be. Used to be. Now, things were different. Now she could defend herself, and cause damage. Hadn't she taken one of the boreas's heads as her own?

The males concern for the other female struck a chord within the coywolf, but she didn't know what it was. She sniffed lightly to herself and more or less ignored the other girl, not listening to what she had to say without being blaringly obvious about the fact. Her eyes focused on the female as she spoke, nodding sympathetically as she really didn't listen. However, the mention of a bandage jerked her out of her thoughts and propelled her up off of her haunches and towards the girl. Passing both Zalen and Jiva she sniffed at the injuries the other had, snorting. " That was foolish of you. " She grunted out, eying the wounds again. " I'm a healer, it's a pity I didn't bring my belt or my backpack. If I had known accidents would happen I would have been better prepared. " The coywolf lamented, honestly.

Weather or not the girl was a threat to hers and Jiva's relationship was not clear, but when someone was injured it was her duty as a healer to look past misgivings and help. It disturbed her that she couldn't offer assistance.

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