Communication's dead

There was purpose in the large bodied horse as it moved through the forest a brisk trot. The trail beneath his hooves was barren, compacted by the trampling of many hooves and padded feet from repeated patrols. A familiar call, though not in voice, cut through the air and even though he was without his mistress Rem came to an abrupt halt. His large head, with its curtain of curled mane turned towards the direct from which he, and the call, had just come. After but a moment’s hesitation the steed turned and galloped back the other way and back towards the call.

He could smell the wolf, his horse as well, even before he could see them. Bellowing out the stallion called out to his kin in welcome. As the pair came into sight the stallion slowed to a choppy trot before coming to a complete halt a few yards in front of them. A glance was given to the pale wolf’s horse, but that was all before all of Rem’s attention laid on the wolf, as if expecting some sort of explanation towards their presence. Just as one might expect from any member of Casa di Cavaleiri.

Rem had been, by far, the first one on the scene, but Anann too had responded to the call. Howling back a reply that she would be there shortly, the Luna set out for the border at a brisk pace. Once she arrived on the scene it was obvious why she had to make the trip on foot, for Rem was already there. Hello there. I hope this big guy hasn’t given you too much trouble.

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