Call me Baby..when you're old enough..

Out of character

Word Count → 000

Aro watched the young mix, she eyed his weapon of choice cautiously. He smiled seeing his advantage, but would still somehow turn this into a lesson for her. He let out a grin as he watched her little mind churn with thought. She came at him and he leaped back then went to the side his stick coming out and tapped at the back of her leg, "Ha, little yourself!" He teased. "Those metal gloves are good for more than damage...they'll help guard your hands..use them to grab the weapon and take it.." He smiled waiting for her to come at him again. "Take the stick, and use it against me.." He pointed out.

Somehow, Aro had become a teacher without trying. How had this happened? Was he becoming a mentor? He didn't know, but whatever he was turning into he would embrace it. The young male had hoped to be a hero, and he would, but perhaps he would help others become heroes along the way.

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