M-My Protector


Pushed down to the ground Terra whined. She didn't want to be down there. She wanted to be up and moving, rubbing against him, working on getting what she wanted fulfilled. Terra couldn't exactly do that when pressed into the ground. It wasn't exactly a comforting feeling either. The nuzzle was nice, but his words chilled the coyote. Submit? Why? All she had to do was roll over and show her belly, and everything would be alright. Still...

Her mind flashed to the wolf she knew, standing strong and promising to protect her. Terra didn't feel very protected with his words. The soft nudges and nips were slowly getting her to turn, but it wasn't a very happy movement. The lick at the opening brought a moan from Terra, tail beating against the ground. More nudging got her partly turned, but full submission wasn't there. Working through the tangle of thoughts Terra managed to speak. Why?

Let the night take you away

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