Protection Mistakes

The darker female started into the mansion, carrying some medical supplies, and Naniko motioned for Jazper to follow her inside as she trailed Ember. She could assist him better with these medical supplies inside rather than outside--it looked like it might rain soon. "Alright. Sit here on the couch and I'll see what I can do. Thanks for coming in, too, Ember, and carrying all that stuff." The green eyed Dahlia wolf nodded, looking to Jazper. "Of course I forgive you. I was really gonna fight you if Nani hadn't come, though. Bet I coulda beat ya!" She grinned. "We should spar sometime, when I'm doing better and you're doing better." Things were well with her. She wasn't angry or anything--she would have done the same if she had found someone in Dahlia who she didn't recognize.

Naniko got out a few supplies, looking at his hand. "How did you do this, Jazper?"


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