hold on just a little while longer


Word Count → 339

The sweet smell of cooked meat and succulent scent of berries and cheese wafted through Thornbury and tickled Hotaru's senses. Saliva pooled in her mouth as she gently sniffed the wind. She could practically taste the feast and her more wild instincts were kicking in. They tried to drive her towards the center of town, but she sat in a disciplined manner and focused on carving a perfectly round ball. The delicious smells were messing with her creative mind and a ball was about as much as the grey wolf could handle. Her hands moved with practiced strokes as she sat on top of her carving boulder.

At long last, the call that Hotaru had hoped to hear sounded through the village. The beautiful voice of Taliesin and his son's wavering tenor invited the whole pack to share in their bounty. The grey female stood, not needing any further invitation. She deposited her tools into her house and bid farewell to Fawkes and the two chicks. Hotaru had been hunting for them, so she quite liked the idea of being able to eat without actually doing all the work. Hotaru grabbed her staff and made her way gracefully towards the center of town.

The blind female arrived just as Taliesin's voice rose in song. The haunting melody drifted through her imagination and bright visuals filled her inner mind. She pictured oceans and birds and a great ship upon which stood a male who longed for his mate. Auntie Rosie sang in harmony with the male to make a tear-raising duet. Hotaru stood and listened quietly, both hands rested gently on the handle of her staff and red ears faced forward to listen carefully. The blind female closed her eyes, mostly out of habit, and an intense look shrouded her face. Even if she didn't look like it, Hotaru actually really enjoyed listening to the song.

When the last note died, Hotaru opened her unseeing eyes and approached her fellow pack members. "An excellent display of skill Taliesin, Auntie Rosie."

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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