Communication's dead
Aaaand I finally got the laptop back! Big Grin

Sebastian, too, had gone to answer the call of the familiar voice. Of course, he thought he knew what Ahiga wanted. Who could resist the Italian artisan, after all? It was only natural he come looking for more. It was unusual, certainly, but certainly not unheard of. Sebastian didn't often hear from his friends-for-the-night again. Perhaps he and Ahiga could become a regular thing.

The Italian had been out hunting and approached the foursome warily, holding a bloodstained bunny in one hand. Man, woman and horses. Sebastian skirted around the horse carefully, staying out of the horses' kicking range. A lash from those hooves would definitely hurt. He was mildly disappointed that he hadn't been the first to greet Ahiga, but it mattered little. Presumably, he had just told Anann that he had intended to see Sebastian.

"Salve, Anann and Ahiga." Sebastian offered both a breezy smile but reserved a respectful bow to the Luna. He was ascending the ranks quickly enough, but there was still quite the gap between him and Anann. His bright orange eyes flickered to Ahiga, a somewhat mischievous glint in his gaze.

"Is any assistance required of me?" May was well check. It was entirely possible that Ahiga intended to spend the night and had asked for a room, though unlikely. Sebastian passed the time by ogling the handsome male at their borders, poorly disguising it as a warrior's sizing-up of a possible opponent.

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