WC:: 413


Axelle seemingly cheerful to see him returned the greeting in response. Apparently the cats name was Frex, it was her little companion, understandably. Anathema’s inhabitants had their fair share of pets, like Aeron and her cat Thisle, or the Itou’s with their crows. The male figured there was just this innate need to have something to take care of for the canines here. The black colored wolf slightly off to the side and behind him piped up about the feline, unrecognizable he was obviously new to Anathema. The mix didn’t understand the male’s overwhelming distaste for the feline. He turned his head ever so slightly; giving the unknown canine the Husky glare of irritation. His upright ears caught the question of the female warrior. I’m good. Granted they were in the same pack everybody was always busy with whatever they were doing. He rarely saw her; the last time they had been in close company was when she helped teach him sword basics… until he lost it. And what about you? He noticed that Axelle looked different from last time. He wasn’t totally certain what made her different, he thought it was her hair that changed; either way he thought she looked good.

Moving closer the Huskadore picked up one of the stump seats and thumped it down in the dirt, sitting down close to the woman. The warmth granted by the small fire was welcomed; his fur was still a little damp from the spring. With his rump on the stump he wriggled around really getting it into the ground so it wouldn’t tip and him go over. Mido couldn’t help but snicker a little when she made the comment about cats being gross to eat. It really wasn’t that funny; but he found it humorous because he never actually considered eating a cat before even though he was a dog. The Marbas called for her companion, but the feline just did as it pleased and continued to groom itself.

The split colored female asked the name of the recent addition. The little fire gleamed in his eyes, illuminating ice cold blue in combination with the brown in his left eye. His focus on the male, his posture remained open and receptive of all. He awaited the answer to her inquiry. Mido had been a little curious, being new to Anathema made him a Zepar. It would be wise for the male to show acknowledgement and be respectful to higher ranked members.


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