stars in your eyes
Firefly really didn't know what to think of the mixed up messed up youth before her. Though their ages were so close together she had never really thought of herself as a child, she'd never had time to be one so she was strange to the way the male was acting. Foolish games and flirting she was use to, but the half attempts, the failures, trying to be something he wasn't. She could see the want and need in his eyes, the confusion and the awkwardness yet she didn't taunt the male like she had others. Somehow or another she'd learned through her own mistakes that her ways were not always the best path to follow.

Suddenly he seemed so relaxed that she just stood there staring at the male, the words he said making her eyes flash for a moment before she replied. "Who's to say I'm not waiting for the perfect moment.." She watched as he leaned back and spoke of her again, she knew the looks she'd been graced with, but she'd always been the wild one, never caring or preening over herself. Hearing the words from the youth made her flick her ears back slighty as she scowled. "That's what they all say.." She was bored with the same old line, the same compliment and dance with words.

Her hooded eyes gazed at the male, so relaxed as he stretched out before her. So young and fresh, so, well, pathedic. She wouldn't say the words outloud but she couldn't hide the harsh words she believed. His off the shoulder comment on the insult she'd given made him just that much stranger as she rolled her eyes. "Yeah.. I bet there's a million other words the world uses." She brushed dirt and dry leaves from her fur as she stretched out at an angle from where he was, her eyes drifting to the sky for a moment wondering why she was even sticking around.

Then it clicked as he asked those words, Right. The pitiful pathedic boy, that was why. She turned her eyes to gaze at him in disbelief at how outright and frank he'd been. The words almost sounded like he'd enjoyed where she'd been, yet she didn't even want to begin to think that. Rolling to her side she stared at him for a moment before replying. "What if I did? What do you think I am?" she snapped. This male didn't even know her and he was assuming things, atleast that's what it seemed to her. Why did she get off him indeed.

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