Chance meetings
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OOC: Herp a derp WC: 345

Niro’s heart started beating faster as the man tried to remember the birds name. It started with a T and Niro knew. Jiva wasn’t all too interested in the whole aspect of bird training so it would have been strange to know the young man had gotten a new bird, but it was just as much of a miracle that Niro’s hardest to train bird wanted to stay with someone.

“Ah Tobias was my first caught bird. Yes he is beautiful. I’m sure that Jiva is taking good care of him or he wouldn’t stay with him. I guarentee that.”

Niro said, and he beamed with pride when the man spoke of the boy having his head on straight. He had better, Niro and Amaranth did their best to raise the boy even when
Amaranth was having her troubled times. Niro tended to take him out when she was having her “attacks” and he didn’t even know of his mothers afflictions. He smiled as the man mentioned knowing low speech. They were pretty much on the same page as Niro only knew a few things, phrases and words just enough for the bird on his shoulder to understand. At the greeting from the kitten Niro’s smile grew.

“It is a great pleasure to meet you Cieran.”

The man directed himself at the cat curled up on the man’s shoulder. It was amazing what animals could do even if they were not canines. It didn’t surprise Niro, because he had heard a cat speak perfect high speech, but it just amazed him in any case.

“You out here for the play? Or other reasons? I hear now that spring is coming there’s soon to be an abundance of other kinds of food besides meat.”

He said remembering the berries him and his sister had eaten for the first time their first year here. He had even learned what a grape was, and so many other things that came around during hte season’s changes.

Table by Marie


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