Fly Again
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WC: 308 OOC:

Tasha, seeing the danger go away from the other girl, timidly moved closer, but was afraid to play now. She looked at the chick that she had almost squashed and then at her daddy who had asked to see it. She sat down to take in the scene, quiet as could be, possibly due to her scared surprise, and she didn’t want to hurt the baby bird either.

Niro himself sat down to have a better look at the chick he heard a soft unfriendly sound come from Marahute’s direction. Niro rolled his eyes but smiled at the chick.

“He is very well taken care of. Do you feed him? I heard that birds loved to be tickled right under their beaks here.”

He took his pinkie and pointed, though he did not touch the chickling. He chuckled happily thinking about what she was saying.

“He won’t be the biggest of birds. That lays with Marahute’s kind but he will get big and be strong I’m sure of it. And he will be beautiful. A Kestrel like this one, he will have fine feathers i’m sure.”

The man said. Kestrels were actually one of ther smaller species of raptors but he wouldn’t say that and it was also the kind of bird he was. Different types tended to be different sizes and how they were taken care of by their parents. Marahute was a good size taller than many of the female wild birds, and that was because Niro babied her, yet kept her exercised and hunting on her own. He had even seen her grab a goat and throw it off a cliff once. That was a scary yet interesting sight, because he knew that if she really wanted to, she could do the same to him.

Table by Marie


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