stars in your eyes
OOC: you mind if Jazz goes slightly crazy for a moment. He's had a couple bad experiences the past few days.

The female apeared bored as she spoke to him about killing him and such. He sighed as finally something clicked and she turned on her side ""What if I did? What do you think I am?" He gave a short belly chuckle. She snapped! He hadn't been fully enjoying her bored voice, at the least this was a turn. Quickly, he looked at her, she might be strong but was she as strong as he was? This almost made him laugh more, he had a very lareg body for even a male, and he had been training solid for the past few months. He swifly moved, if you blinked you would have missed this movement. Suddenly, he was doing something he never thought he'd do, he was kneeling over the female, arms and lower legs ceeping his body an inch above hers. "Kill me." He instructed, "Or atleast do something to keep you from dying of bordom." He whispered this with a smirk. Maybe he was going crazy like everyone said Duece had. Him and his adoptive mum seemed alot alike. Maybe, just possibly, it was the knowledge of humans, the ability to read and the want to know everything abotu them that made them think the same. Maybe the human's died becuase of the same reason. "i've never heard of a lady that did not want to hear that she was indeed easy on the eyes. Maybe you'd prefer I didn't speak of you at all." He sujested in a kinder voice. "Ya other wolves use other words. If you reaallly knew me on a good day you'd say i was strange but sweet. As of now though, i'm not in the mood to be sweet." He mumbled almost apologeticly. This girl would probably kil him in a second anyways, "I don't care if you did, and you're a wolf, a strong female at that who's name is FireFly. That's all I know about what you are. I could care less if you wanted to tell me more, then you would have by now. I don't care who you are or what you've done. I'm not your keeper." He laughed alittle more , might as well live now while he still had the chance, " So kill me." He said as he leaned down kissing her as he kept the inch off of her, for safety reasons.

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